Our Masters programmes (post graduate programmes) are offered in collaboration with two universities which are also Catholic in origin. These programmes are geared towards persons with a desire to further their education in the field of teaching and this may take the form of a Masters in Educational Leadership, http://www.udayton.edu/ or Master of Science in Educational Studies http://www.duq.edu/ ( There is also a Masters in Theological Studies with UD).
"The School of Education & Allied Professions merges critical reflection with fostering a learning community that focuses on educational theory and practice. The philosophy and practice of the School of Education & Allied Professions is grounded in the Marianist heritage of the University of ayton. What distinguishes us is our constant seeking of truth and knowledge in our overall mission to improve the world. As Marianists, we lead and we serve because we believe that the more people we help to develop compassionate hearts and critical minds, the better our world will be.." http://www.udayton.edu/education/about_soeap/heritage.php
Students' service experiences provide them with a new perspective and make an impact in communities close to home and far away.
At Duquesne University, our faculty, staff and students share a deep commitment to making our world a better place. Through Spiritan Campus Ministry, community service projects, and service-learning courses, the Duquesne family has the opportunity to participate in hands-on outreach that makes a real difference right here in Pittsburgh or as far away as Africa."
Be a Part of Something Bigger
Whatever your interest, you’re sure to find a fit with our variety of service and outreach opportunities. You will find fulfillment in helping others and making an impact on the world around you, whether you’re:
Tutoring inner-city youth through the Duquesne University Volunteers
Spending your spring break in Florida assisting migrant workers throughSpiritan Campus Ministry, or
Creating and implementing a marketing plan for a struggling local library through service-learning.
Whatever your interest, you’re sure to find a fit with our variety of service and outreach opportunities. You will find fulfillment in helping others and making an impact on the world around you, whether you’re:
Tutoring inner-city youth through the Duquesne University Volunteers
Spending your spring break in Florida assisting migrant workers throughSpiritan Campus Ministry, or
Creating and implementing a marketing plan for a struggling local library through service-learning.
Like Nothing You've Ever Seen Beforehttp://www.duq.edu/life-at-duquesne/tamburitzans
America's longest-running multicultural song and dance company, the Duquesne University Tamburitzans is a unique ensemble of talented young folk artists dedicated to the performance and preservation of the music, songs, and dances of Eastern Europe and neighboring folk cultures.
The performers are full-time students who receive substantial scholarship awards from Duquesne University, with additional financial aid provided by Tamburitzans Scholarship Endowment Funds. Headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., the Tamburitzans houses one of the world's finest collections of international folk artifacts and library resources.
The Educational Studies program is a 30-credit hour program that leads to a Master of Science in Educational Studies from Duquesne University. The program provides considerable flexibility for qualified individuals from a variety of professional backgrounds who seek professional credentials in education. Our graduates come from diverse backgrounds and are engaged in a wide-range of professional careers across the nation and around the world.
The moral of the story? There are many choices and sometimes doors open in unexpected ways...
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