I've been reading about the University of Dayton (UD) and Duquesne Unvieristy ( Duquesne). Each university's style of giving seems to differ based on what I have read so far. I do not know if I am comparing apples with oranges or if I am jumping to conclusions. Duquense's giving is partially linked to access to scholarships and there is also a variety of Research and Development areas. UD's research and development areas are also widespread and it appears that they can also link up with other major donors/ projects such as Samaritan Purse http://www.samaritanspurse.org/ for two way linkages, or with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation http://www.gatesfoundation.org/. However those questions are for strategic planning sessions; where entities assess where they are in relation to where they would like to be given the environment in which they operate.
The various institutes and centers you'll find connected to the University of Dayton work to advance social justice issues, business leadership practices and ethics and service opportunities for all. By bringing the larger community together to face today's challenging questions, students are exposed to more influences and ways that will ultimately allow them to better adapt in an ever-changing world.
These centers and institutes also enable us to constantly expand and strengthen our community and our intellectual curiosity, helping us to bring innovative solutions to problems of all sizes, all around the globe. http://www.udayton.edu/lead/index.php#2 Here is a bit of info on some of the institutes and centers which are associated with UD:
ArtStreet: http://artstreet.udayton.edu/
Located in the heart of the University neighborhood, ArtStreet is not a residence hall or an academic building. This innovative multi-arts facility and residence connects living and learning through the arts. Explore.
The Rivers Institute: http://www.udayton.edu/artssciences/fitzcenter/rivers_institute.php
An interdisciplinary cooperation between students, staff, faculty and community partner organizations, the Rivers Institute is focused on building community around our watershed — and preserving and protecting its resources.
International Marian Research Institute: http://campus.udayton.edu/mary/
As one of the most renowned international centers of study and research about Mary, the mother of Christ, the International Marian Research Institute serves researchers and students from around the world who come to study and use the collections of The Marian Library, home of the world's largest collection of printed materials on Mary. Discover this world-class resource.
Fitz Center for Leadership in Community: http://www.udayton.edu/artssciences/fitzcenter/index.php
The Fitz Center builds partnerships, arranges service-learning opportunities and addresses societal problems ranging from predatory lending to child abuse, among a host of other initiatives. We believe that people working together can transform society. Be a community builder
Curriculum Materials Center: http://www.udayton.edu/education/cmc/index.php
The Curriculum Materials Center is a lending library of professional and practical teaching materials in the School of Education and Allied Professions. Our extensive collection includes many educational materials for use by teachers-in-training in their classrooms, including books, educational audio and video recordings, educational kits, transparencies, charts, models and other teaching aids.
The Center for International Programs supports a diverse and multicultural environment on campus and beyond - whether for students from other countries, students going abroad, faculty members conducting research or staff members planning to volunteer elsewhere in the world. Enrich your education. Expand your borders.
Center for Leadership: http://leadership.udayton.edu/
The Center for Leadership partners with leading organizations and top thought leaders in executive development to provide customized educational programs. We're your partner to develop leaders.
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