Saturday, 12 January 2019

Originally posted on Facebook -Motivation Moment 2018-05-015-001

Some persons who are developing strategies to save or who may be trying new experiences sometimes identify their positive influences early in the process while some identify theirs later down the road..

Here are some examples of persons using different motivators to keep themselves going:

1 They start saving their time. Yes, there are persons who cut out some of the "time spenders" such as reducing their trips to the grocery and using the time to:

Accomplish some chores earlier in the week,

Try out a new side for dinner.

2 They start saving smaller amounts to keep their enthusiasm going... Yes sometimes it seems that the big saving goals may not happen the way we want them to and saving a smaller amount allows us to contribute to a goal in another way.

3 They try to put in some small amounts of "Do good time". This might mean:

5 minutes in meditation in the morning and 5 minutes in the afternoon if you cannot have more time... Think adoration time.

Assisting as a volunteer for half an hour

Listening to inspirational music for 3 minutes. This boosts the mood and may assist you in not going off track in a big way.

Stopping to say a prayer at lunch time. This can allow you to recharge and may give you the energy to thrive in the afternoon to evening.

So tell me what has been motivating you..

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