Saturday, 12 January 2019

Originally posted on Facebook - Financial Planning - 2018-04-02-001

Did my budget for March 2018's anticipated pay in February 2018, so that I would have a draft to revise or keep as it was. (It seemed easier to do the budget like that, at that time.)

So in the aftermath of getting paid, the ending of Lent, Payless's shoe sale (Buy one get another at 50% of the price - it is really a good choice for accessories such as inner soles) which continues into next week, here are some of my food choices, for the next month:

Sardines - 6 tins / cans

Mackerel - 4 tins / cans

Tuna Chunks - 1 tin / can

Tuna flakes - 2 tins/cans



Still to get:
Mushrooms - 5 tins
Peanut butter - 2 (1/2 lb)
Pineapple slices - Cuisine
Carrots as needed
Pak Choy - as needed
Cheese - as needed
Minced Meat - as it is needed

Carailli - as it grows on the vines
Mangoes - as it is needed (for currying)
Salmon - goes well with pak choy

So everyone, let me know:

How you are doing with your budget and

Your food choices,

What has been working for you and what you intend to change going forward.

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