Saturday, 12 January 2019

Originally posted on Facebook - 2018-12-002-001 Taking care of the basics

Sometimes in life, for just that space in time, we may need to stop and take care of the basics, so that life and emotions does not overwhelm us.

So stop, pray a little - There are lots of feast days in December to give you a reason to slow down and say " Lord, just what do you want from me?"

Stop and put aside some of that income which you just received.

Pay your taxes on time and put away some money for Jan 2019 and onwards.

You may need some transportation funds, so see if bus tickets will work for you.

In March, it may be ok for you to go back to your car route, that is, after Carnival.

If now is the time when you earn income, then do what is right for you.

Stop and learn a little - Either learn how to track things with a calendar, there are many which will be given away with purchases or purchase some copy books and decide what you will be doing for a bag or somewhere to store your things.

For those who are comfortable with their finances, having saved and saved, well see if a laptop can change your life for the better.

Stop and care for someone - See if there are donations of food items which may help someone. A lb of split peas with a bag of garlic may change someone's life. Some of the garlic may be sprouted and some may be used for tea or with the peas.

So take care and remember this is the season for caring.

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