Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Originally Posted on Facebook - Financial Planning 2017-12-31-001 Record Keeping & Business Options

 For all those persons who play the Lottery, the Mega and other games where a ticket is provided as evidence of your playing of the game, remember to photocopy the ticket, (it fades easily) as it discloses a fair amount of information as to :

Your location at a date and time

The amount of funds which you disbursed at that time versus

The amount which you spent on all of your tickets

Some persons have an officer certify their copies, which is an extra cost and includes a stamp, a signature, a name and an address.

So be cautious and have those winning tickets copied and certified. This is also a good process to use for certificates, such as marriage, birth and death which may make you more money over the long term.

A file folder or two, some scotch tape or paper clips, a few Bull dog clips, a letter or legal sized brown envelope just might hold all of your stuff if you are starting out.

This  idea is another business option which might be suitable for a large geographical area where the cost of transport is higher than the cost of the items. One area may hold about 20 small shops which may offer part time services and the supply of stationary.

Next year I might sign up for some training on how to provide affidavits, certification of copies and like..

I just have to start reading the newspapers to find out when training is offered, get some "Masters" to be guided by, pay someone a fee for them and I have a start up.

On the other hand, some persons may have photocopiers, ink, surge & dip protectors for sale going forward, so that may be yet another business option.

2018 just might be an interesting year for small businesses. Then, I may need to get incorporated to offer NIS as a benefit.
P.S. I forgot about selling the tins of sausages, mackerel, sardine and coconut milk. But then that is for the other side of the shop.

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