Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Christmas Novena 2013

This year I made it through the Novena. Imagine nine days of Masses at six a.m. There was determination to attend all of the masses partly because there was the promise of hope, that things will be better, or you will work whatever it is out of your system by the change of praying for nine days about it, instead of making a decision blindly. After all Mass at six a.m. every day creates a change. There is the "combined effect of no breakfast", concentrating for an hour with participation as there was no sleeping or reading of the Catholic News during Mass, no seeing everything from the back due to a change in seating which was supposed to bring me closer to my family. Something must work.
Well there was the impact of all of the above on other areas of life, work was not dealt for at least 3 days as there were additional responsibilities which did not go away just because I wanted them to. The truth of the matter is that I did  not want them to go away.
Did the mini break work? Well I cheated by working on something late one night which had the snowball effect of making me slower and more tired the next day. My brain has not been working creatively however I have been realising that there are deliveries which I would like to make  which I would need to deal with.
During the Novena, the attendance at Masses allowed for relief to work through  a situation which was unplanned and which had the potential to be emotionally devastating.
So in conclusion, has the object for which the Novena was intended been dealt with? No! But perhaps God and his saints were walking with me throughout the Novena.

Copyright Jennifer Bailey

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