Here are some extracts from an article which was written on Hurricane Matthew and Haiti, which prompted my comment on Facebook and which I have pasted below in italics:
"In the impoverished nation of Haiti, more than 55,000 people are living in tents and could be in danger from the massive storm. "
"(We have) pre-positioned emergency supplies to assist up to 15,000 families with items including tarps, water containers, hygiene kits and blankets," said Fisher.
We’re mobilizing with plans to provide relief for approximately 250,000 people, depending on the impact of the storm."
This is an interesting article, especially with the information on Haiti, where persons are living in tents...
I wonder if there is enough room in areas outside of the Capital so that foundations for homes can be laid, so that these "homes" can evolve over time. That would be one way to get persons out of the Capital. Another alternative is to lay the foundations where the tents are located to allow for the individual's "right of tenancy" to be maintained.
I guess that there is a lot of legal work to be done to allow for any growth, that, combined with language barriers can impede the growth of the country...
On a practical basis, unless there is the expectation of a return or an inflow of cash from a tenant, using funds from a country's budget may put the country in greater financial constraints...
The concept of a small return may have helped a lot of Trinidadians in various places own their small home as land was rented until it could be paid for, wooden houses were built, which were converted to concrete homes...
The timeframe in which the person "earned" a home may have taken a great number of years as those persons were not earning large amounts....
Most of those "homeowners" grew a vegetable or two on the side of the house to feed their families and reduce their outflow of cash.
Walls to surround the property were not a priority, as wire fences were used so that vines with crops could grow between the owner and the neighbor's yard.
All of that was to help persons survive in the years subsequent to 1938, which was one hundred years after the emancipation of slaves in Trinidad and Tobago!!!!
See the link below to access the article.
Some of my knowledge on the financing of housing in Trinidad and Tobago during the period 1929 to 1997 + was obtained from my career in audit with a Big 4 Firm of Accountants in Trinidad and Tobago. During that time, I learnt about the different services (lines of business) which accountants can offer to the public, which may be individuals, partnerships, limited liability companies whose shares are quoted on the Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange, and privately owned companies. Some of my knowledge was also obtained from CXC Examinations on Caribbean History where the focus for that year's examinations was the period of one hundred years subsequent to the Abolition of Slavery in 1838.
copyright Jennifer N Bailey email
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