- A soup kitchen is opened in the area as there are a fair number of older persons who reside within close proximity to the area and this service will be of benefit to them. That we ask for contributions to maintain the kitchen, so as to provide employment to persons in the community and build a life "style" in the parish.
- We start a meditation area in that location and in the surrounding areas as this will allow for the maintenance of mellow feelings. If meditation sessions are scheduled at regular intervals, there will be a flow of persons to the areas which will bring about a boost in foot traffic and in mellow feelings!
- We start yoga sessions so that persons can learn mindfulness and all of the other benefits associated with yoga!
- We start a mediation area to allow for the learning of new skills for everyone. This too will enhance the skills of both the receiver and the giver!
- We start saying the national pledge to bring about a sense of continuity of who we were in school into our adulthood. See the National Pledge below!
- We document as much as possible on the lives of our priests, so that we keep information that will be soon gone in a state of readiness for the next generation.
Here is a copy of the pledge, which you can say:
© Jennifer Bailey jennifernbailey24d@gmail.com