"Ten Biggest Mistakes Bosses Make In Performance Reviews" - Contributor: Eric Jackson
I thought that I would keep the caption large so that there would be enough interest to go and read the article. http://www.forbes.com/sites/ericjackson/2012/01/09/ten-reasons-performance-reviews-are-done-terribly/ Apart from the content of the article, there is a nice layout which encourages skimming or intense reading. Also I especially liked #6 and 7, which I have included below
6. No pats on the back. It might seem like a simple thing, but lots of bosses just don’t give recognition to their people when they do a good job. These days, we’re all busy and most people are over-worked and under-appreciated. But it never ceases to amaze me how much abuse people can take from the worst boss and the worst work environment, as long as they get some random appreciation for their hard work every now and then. Maybe it’s just inertia, or fears about doing a job search in a bad economy, but I find most people want to stay where they are working at their current jobs. Maybe they have their kids in a daycare nearby. Maybe they have a decent commute. Whatever it is, people can put up with a lot of grief. They just need an occasional bone to be thrown their way. Say thanks to your people when they do a good job. It’s the cheapest bonus you’ll ever pay.
7. No recognition for doing the work of 3 people. More than just saying thanks, it’s important to remember that something structural has happened in the job market since the 2008 financial crisis. Most industries have dramatically cut headcount. As a result, the remaining folks have been asked to take on the responsibilities of their former colleagues. We’re now going into the 3rd year since most of these major layoffs have happened. On the one hand, the remaining employees are happy they continue to have their jobs, but a lot of them are starting to get burned out. As mentioned in the previous point, a little thanks would go a long way. Most times though, bosses say nothing. The old employees are gone, the new people pick up the slack, and life rolls on. Except that there’s a deep undercurrent of resentment among lots of employees out there.
While these points may seem to be similar, I like that the attention was given to looking at them from different perspectives. I like the acknowledgement of the state of the economy which most persons may not be aware of and may not be inclined to become aware of, partially because of the lack of direct impact on them that the state of the economy plays in their day to day life.
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